Tuesday, November 17, 2009


What's this blog about? Still working that out. Here's a little about me:

I'm a 30-ish single guy living on the Upper West Side in NYC. I grew up standard right-wing Modern Orthodox in a popular Orthodox community in New Jersey.

Recently I took stock of my beliefs and realized I don't really believe much about Judaism. Not sure if I believe in God. Though I still love Judaism and Jewish life and the observant lifestyle.

I'm tired of so much of the crap that passes for religion in the Orthodox community. Especially the racism. I'm also very liberal politically and am so tired of all the sheeplike worship in the frum community of people like Limbaugh & Hannity.

So this blog will be about that. My hashkafa. My calling the frum comunity on their sh**. And maybe some stories about my life. Dating. Community. Stuff like that. I'll set up a twitter feed too.